FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about the Racketball League
Burning Questions Answered Here
How do I register?
To register, you can click here to fill out our form.
The process takes about two minutes. Once you have provided all your details, you will automatically be registered for the next league session. We'll send you an email to confirm.
Who can apply?
Open to Racketball players of all levels, all genders. The league has been introduced since Jan'2024, and we would like to group interested players at the right level.
What is the format of the league?
The league is split into Divisions, with each division having 5 to 8 participants. In your division, you play once against all other members of your division.
What is the fee for participation?
There is no fee to participate. We organise this event to promote the game. We only expect that you play most of the games in your division.
What is the scoring format of the match?
Each match is a best of 5 games (first to win 3 games wins the match). Each game is played according to point-a-rally scoring (PARS) to 11 points. In PARS, the winner of a rally receives a point, regardless of whether they were the server or returner. Games are played to 11 and must be won by two points. That is, if the score reaches 10–10, play continues until one player wins by two points. Winner of a game gets to serve when the next game starts.
What is the scoring format for the League?
The no of games you win in a match is your score for that match, and an extra point is awarded for attendance (If a match concludes 3-1, the winner gets 4 points, opponent gets 2 points)
Two extra points are added to your league total upon completion of 5 matches
What is the ranking format for the League?
At the end of the league, your standing in the table enables your movement to a higher division (or a lower one). As such, top 2 of a division go to a higher division, and the bottom 2 of the division move down to the lower division.
While the rule above provides structure, there are occasions when a subjective call is taken. Eg, a returning player from an injury in a Division is allowed to retain their place, or, eg when top 3 of a division have nothing to separate them, all three are moved up, etc
Following structure is largely followed:
You will be ranked based on your total score in your division
If that is equal, your head to head score is checked
If that is equal, no of games played is checked (higher participation is given priority, despite it meaning a poorer win ratio gets priority)
If that is equal, total no of games lost against all opponents combined is checked
If that is equal too, a subjective call is taken
I have finished my match, where do I record the score?
After your registration, you would have received a link to a Google Sheet. You can enter your score in this sheet. If you cannot find it, request it on league@smsrc.co.uk
Where do I play the matches?
You can choose to play these matches anywhere you like. While the SMSRClub is based at the Hough End Leisure Centre, SMSRC is an independent and community run club in Manchester. Other squash courts are Moss Side Leisure Centre, City of Manchester (Etihad), etc.
My opponent and I have different locational preferences, to play the match. What do we do?
As a League, we allow participants to play their matches anywhere they please, as long as they can agree on a location. In case a location cannot be agreed upon, the default location to play these matches, is Hough End Leisure Centre.
How is the cost managed for booking a court?
Both players split the court cost. If a player fails to turn up at the scheduled time or is late, the need to book an extra session to finish the match is borne by the player who is late.
Our match did not finish in one slot/booking, do we need to replay?
Centres run by GLL (better.org.uk) have reduced their time per slot from 1 hour to 40mins, resulting in some matches not finishing.
You can choose to book another slot (cost again is split between the two). You can just continue your prior match into the next booking. (Eg if the score was 2-2 in the first slot, you can play your 5th game in the next booking/slot)
What is the rule around the ball used to play the game?
We are fairly flexible on this front too. As such, the black ball is used to play competitive racketball, if you and your opponent agree upon a more bouncier version of the ball, that is fine too.
In some locations, where the courts are not air conditioned, specially during winter, you'd notice it is tough to play with less bouncier balls. Feel free to change to a bouncier version, as long as it is agreed upon by both.
The least bouncy to most bouncy are: two yellow dots (slowest), one yellow dot, one red dot, one blue dot/blue ball.
I played the league, but I found the other players too strong or too weak.
Let us know, and we will adjust you for the next league if possible, league@smsrc.co.uk